Operation Christmas Child
At Pine Grove Baptist Church, we support Operation Christmas Child and donate yearly to help children around the world, both with physical and spiritual needs. We request different items each month to ensure each child's box has at least some of each product, and that no child goes without.
For suggested items, please click the link below.
*Small items are preferred, so each box can include as many items as possible.
**Please do not include candy; toothpaste; gum; used or damaged items; scary or war-related items; seeds; food; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items or glass containers; aerosol cans
Thank you for your donation to this worthy cause!
To learn more, click the link below:​
PGBC Operation Christmas Child: Shoebox Tracking
*2016 and 2022 - A Hard to Reach Area
For the safety of ministry partners of Operation Christmas Child and The Samaritan's Purse and local believers living in hard-to-reach areas, we cannot disclose the names of these countries. Some countries are hard-to-reach because they are experiencing a form of conflict that complicates the delivery of shipments. Others are considered hard-to-reach because of particularly high levels of scrutiny in customs creating special importation challenges for the ministry. In these cases, precautions must be taken both to ensure the safety of our volunteers and ministry partners and to secure our ability to continue to import gifts to these countries.